artist plastician photographer
Chrystèle Lerisse

"Chrystèle Lerisse's work, based on the small black-and-white format, has an intensity rarely achieved through film photography, except to refer to the great names of art history, Moholy-Nagy, Strand or Leiter to name but a few. It also feeds on the history of modern painting and cinema. But above all it accomplishes an unparalleled synthesis of the plastic revolutions that these references imply. By working on objects and places that seem to be universal, she produces works that are absolutely new, of great coherence between them, impossible to classify or reduce to a few notions of gender. (...). Chrystèle Lerisse's work proved decisive in the history of contemporary photography, in terms of the history of art. »
Jérôme Felin art historian, plastic arts advisor in Normandy, 2008

"One of the springs of Lerisse's work is to make us see simple and ordinary things that we don't really see, paradoxically in the worst conditions: small formats in black and white where grey, blurring, blurring of forms, the grip of black and framing undermine the appearances of reality. In other words, we don't see much of it at first. We have to accommodate. »
“Vassivière, April 11, 2004. First encounter with an image by Chrystèle Lerisse. A black image, where at first I see almost nothing but this tiny black square. Then my eyes get used to, distinguish something. »
« The work of Chrystèle Lerisse is not prose, or even poetry, but poetics, that is to say, poetry in action that reflects. »