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The cdla / artzo are co-publishing the artist’s book les inédites 1977 to 2016 by Chrystèle Lerisse

The cdla / artzo co-publish the artist’s book

les inédites 1977 to 2016

by Chrystèle Lerisse

75 black and white film photographs from 1977 to 2016
printed in risography
is a set
of twenty booklets of 8 pages 15 x 21 cm
on Munken Pure paper 130 gr
completed printing 50 copies in September 2023
for our care
including 20 copies of twenty booklets
collected in boxes numbered 1 to 20
and 30 copies for the current edition

size 9 x 9cm 2
size 9 x 9cm
6x6cm image format as well as sending 6 same format
les inédites

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