Under the direction of Anne-Cécile Guilbard
Co-edition with Atlantic.
2022. 144 p. 16,5/24.
ISBN 978.2.86853.699.0
20,00 €
The book
Whether it claims to be documentary or asserts itself as a creation, all photographic production records something: here a lot of life, of the human, of the plant, of nature, of near and far urban life, but also of landscapes, cement slabs, fancy glasses or even hand-made dreams. Each image constructs and restores, at the same time, a space outside of everything, outside of where they are. Where photographers set foot, even ordinary perspective can fade away…
The photographers
Eva Avril, Jean-Luc Chapin, Marc Deneyer,
Gabrielle Duplantier, Thierry Girard, Chrystèle Lerisse,
Laurent Millet, Claude Nori, Claude Pauquet
The authors
Axelle Joncheray, Éric Audinet, Catherine Ternaux,
Denis Montebello, Anne-Cécile Guilbard, Jérôme Felin,
Eduardo Berti (translated from Spanish by Jean-Marie Saint-Lu),
Claude Nori, Dominique Moncond’huy.